One of the things I worked on recently was a magazine where all the call to papers that were sent to my group were all put together. I was surprised at how good it looked, and how it came out. We only had to put all the Call to Papers in it, but I decided that was too boring for me, so I slid in two fun articles into the front portion. The link is above the picture, and the fun articles are called "The Console Wars", and "Star Wars Returns". Both got really good feedback, and were really fun to write. I guess they came from my growing obsession with the xbox one, which came out on Nov. 22nd. I wanted to watch the countdown, but I'm not much of a midnight release kind of person. I wouldn't be able to stay up that late, unless I had been lying around a couch all day long, and since it was a school day (thursday) that wasn't happening. I think my family is judging me, because when I said I wanted one, I was immediately questioned if I would rather have the Playstation 4. That's how bad the representation of the new xbox was. How could they mess up the presentation of the only thing they have been working on for years?!
Anyway, with thanksgiving just a few days away, the semester is coming to a close, and with that said, I'm trying to show everything that I have done this semester. The only problem is that there was so much done, that I don't even remember doing. This could be a long process. Down below I'm linking the publications where I sent my own call to papers. Read them, and support the groups while you're at it. I'm only linking two, because one of the papers was sent to my own publication linked all the way at the top of the page.
Warfare and technology (mine is under the super weapon category)
Progressing Technology